Announcements for 1/28/24

House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepin’s, Wednesday at 6:30PM at Belmont Farm.

The Young Ladies book study is tonight at 5PM at the Armstrong’s.

The notes from our Family Meeting at the Advance are available here.

Previous announcements:

Youth Events this semester are as follows, from 3PM – 5PM here at the YWCO: Feb 3, March 16, April 13, May 4

We have several upcoming opportunities to visit our sister Church in Rio Blanco, Mexico. Please talk to Chet if you would like to be involved.

  • A men’s trip with Chet III, March 4 – 8.
  • Our usual longer visits for everyone over the summer.

The church website is functional! The calendar and announcements are housed there, and we’ll make improvements to it as they come up. Send requests for information or features to Zach.

Announcements are due to Zach each Friday at Noon for the following Sunday.