Announcements for 12/8/24

Basketball after services today! Please ensure you have footwear that won’t mark the court.

This week’s House Fellowship schedule:

  • Sunday 5:30 PM @ Pepin house
  • Tuesday 7:30 PM @ McQuien house
  • Wednesday 6:30PM @ Jordan house

The Advance – our annual church retreat – is scheduled for January 3 – 5. If One Hope is your church home, please prioritize this gathering. Register here!

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If you’re visiting for the first time, we’d love if you filled out a visitor card. This allows us to easily follow up with you.

There is no Young Ladies Book Study for December or January.

Birthdays and anniversies. Ask for volunteers to pray for those folks.

We’ll begin breakdown in +15 minutes. Breakdown team, please save the curtains and rolling walls for a little later until sound cables are stored away from children.

Announcements for 12/1/24

This week’s House Fellowship schedule:

  • Sunday 5:30 PM @ Pepin house
  • Tuesday 7:30 PM @ McQuien house
  • Wednesday 6:30PM @ Jordan house

The Advance – our annual church retreat – is scheduled for January 3 – 5. More details to follow. If One Hope is your church home, please prioritize this gathering.

Please look ahead in your calendars and select times to volunteer in Planning Center. Each week before Sunday we’ll fill the remaining roles and then send notifications for who’s doing what each Sunday.

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If you’re visiting for the first time, we’d love if you filled out a visitor card. This allows us to easily follow up with you.

There is no Young Ladies Book Study for December or January.

Birthdays and anniversies. Ask for volunteers to pray for those folks.

We’ll begin breakdown in +15 minutes. Breakdown team, please save the curtains and rolling walls for a little later until sound cables are stored away from children.

Announcements for 11/24/24

This week’s House Fellowship schedule:

  • Sundays 5:30 PM @ Pepin house
  • Tuesdays 7:30 PM @ McQuien house – Friendsgiving
  • No Wednesday House Fellowship this week

The Advance – our annual church retreat – is scheduled for January 3 – 5. More details to follow. If One Hope is your church home, please prioritize this gathering.

Please look ahead in your calendars and select times to volunteer in Planning Center. Each week before Sunday we’ll fill the remaining roles and then send notifications for who’s doing what each Sunday.

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The Young Ladies’ Book Study is tonight from 5pm – 7pm at Jessica Kerr’s house.

If you’re visiting for the first time, we’d love if you filled out a visitor card. This allows us to easily follow up with you.

Birthdays and anniversies. Ask for volunteers to pray for those folks.

We’ll begin breakdown in +15 minutes. Breakdown team, please save the curtains and rolling walls for a little later until sound cables are stored away from children.

Other announcements:

The Young Ladies Book Study schedule is linked here.

Announcements for 11/17/24

This week’s House Fellowship schedule:

  • Sundays 5:30 PM @ Pepin’s house
  • Tuesdays 7:30 PM @ McQuien’s house
  • Wednesdays 6:30 PM @ Jordan’s house

The Advance – our annual church retreat – is scheduled for January 3 – 5. More details to follow. If One Hope is your church home, please prioritize this gathering.

Please look ahead in your calendars and select times to volunteer in Planning Center. Each week before Sunday we’ll fill the remaining roles and then send notifications for who’s doing what each Sunday.

The Young Ladies’ Book Study is next Sunday from 5pm – 7pm at Jessica Kerr’s house.

Our outreach event this month is a table day at the Flea Market on 11/24 9am – 12pm.

If you’re visiting for the first time, we’d love if you filled out a visitor card. This allows us to easily follow up with you.

Birthdays and anniversies. Ask for volunteers to pray for those folks.

We’ll begin breakdown in +15 minutes. Breakdown team, please save the curtains and rolling walls for a little later until sound cables are stored away from children.

Other announcements:

The Young Ladies Book Study schedule is linked here.

Announcements for 11/10/24

This week’s House Fellowship schedule:

  • Tuesdays 7:30 PM @ McQuien’s house
  • Wednesdays 6:30 PM @ Jordan’s house
  • Sundays 5:30 PM @ Pepin’s house

The Advance – our annual church retreat – is tentatively scheduled for January 3 – 5. If you can’t make these dates, please let Chet know.

Over the next two months we are transitioning all our volunteer scheduling to an app called Planning Center. Please provide Zach with your email if you haven’t, and log in to Planning Center when you get the welcome email. There’s an app and a webpage.

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AppleAndroid (App is called “Services”)

If you’re visiting for the first time, we’d love if you filled out a visitor card. This allows us to easily follow up with you.

Birthdays and anniversies. Ask for volunteers to pray for those folks.

We’ll begin breakdown in +15 minutes. Breakdown team, please save the curtains and rolling walls for a little later until sound cables are stored away from children.

Other announcements:

The Young Ladies Book Study schedule is linked here.

Announcements for 11/3/24

This week’s House Fellowship schedule:

  • Tuesdays 7:30 PM @ McQuien’s house
  • Wednesdays 6:30 PM @ Amos’s house
  • Sundays 5:30 PM @ Pepin’s house

Immediately after service today we’ll take a few minutes to hear from Marcus about the Emergency Action Plan he developed for the church, then have a Planning Center demonstration and questions meeting.

Planning Center links:

Login in a web browser

Apple| Android (App is called “Services”)

A group from One Hope will travel to Mexico in March. Please talk to Chet III if you have a desire to go, either then or at any other part of the year.

If you’re visiting for the first time, we’d love if you filled out a visitor card. This allows us to easily follow up with you.

Birthdays and anniversies. Ask for volunteers to pray for those folks.

We’ll begin breakdown in +15 minutes. Breakdown team, please save the curtains and rolling walls for a little later until sound cables are stored away from children.

Other announcements:

The Young Ladies Book Study schedule is linked here.

Announcements for 10/27/24

House Fellowship Fall Schedule:

  • Tuesdays 7:30 PM @ McQuien’s
  • Wednesdays 6:30 PM @ Jordans
  • Sundays 5:30 PM @ Pepins

The next Young Ladies Book Study is tonight at Jessica Kerr’s house from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM.

If you have volunteered in any capacity at One Hope, please make sure I have your name and phone number. We are beginning to use our volunteer scheduling app Planning Center soon and need the information for that purpose.

Immediately after service next week we’ll take a few minutes to hear from Marcus about the Emergency Action Plan he developed for the church, then have a Planning Center demonstration and questions meeting.

A group from One Hope will travel to Mexico in March. Please talk to Chet III if you have a desire to go, either then or at any other part of the year.

If you’re visiting for the first time, we’d love if you filled out a visitor card. This allows us to easily follow up with you.

Birthdays and anniversies. Ask for volunteers to pray for those folks.

We’ll begin breakdown in +15 minutes. Breakdown team, please save the curtains and rolling walls for a little later until sound cables are stored away from children.

Other announcements:

The Young Ladies Book Study schedule is linked here.

Announcements for 10/20/24

House Fellowship Fall Schedule:

  • Tuesdays 7:30 PM @ McQuien’s
  • Wednesdays 6:30 PM @ Jordans
  • Sundays 5:30 PM @ Pepins

The next Young Ladies Book Study is next Sunday evening at Jessica Kerr’s hoise.

A group from One Hope will travel to Mexico in March. Please talk to Chet III if you have a desire to go, either then or at any other part of the year.

Our next outreach event will be a cookout on Saturday, October 26 at 5PM at the Serrano household. Eduardo is looking for a few folks to help with setup.

We are transitioning to an online app for volunteer scheduling, called PlanningCenter. We are in the setup phase and will have more communication before bringing everyone on to the platform.

If you’re visiting for the first time, we’d love if you filled out a visitor card. This allows us to easily follow up with you.

Birthdays and anniversies. Ask for volunteers to pray for those folks.

We’ll begin breakdown in +15 minutes. Breakdown team, please save the curtains and rolling walls for a little later until sound cables are stored away from children.

Other announcements:

The Young Ladies Book Study schedule is linked here.

Announcements for 10/13/24

No House Fellowships this week for our Fall break.

There will be a chili cookoff at Belmont Farm, Tuesday at 6PM.

A group from One Hope will travel to Mexico in March. Please talk to Chet III if you have a desire to go, either then or at any other part of the year.

Our next outreach event will be a cookout on Saturday, October 26. Our Outreach Deacon Eduardo will follow up with more details.

We are transitioning to an online app for volunteer scheduling, called PlanningCenter. We are in the setup phase and will have more communication before bringing everyone on to the platform.

If you’re visiting for the first time, we’d love if you filled out a visitor card. This allows us to easily follow up with you.

Birthdays and anniversies. Ask for volunteers to pray for those folks.

We’ll begin breakdown in +15 minutes. Breakdown team, please save the curtains and rolling walls for a little later until sound cables are stored away from children.

Other announcements:

The Young Ladies Book Study schedule is linked here.

Announcements for 10/6/2024

House Fellowship Fall Schedule:

  • Tuesdays 7:30 PM @ Tamlyn’s
  • Wednesdays 6:30 PM @ Jordans
  • Sundays 5:30 PM @ Pepins

Our next outreach event will be a cookout on Saturday, October 26. Our Outreach Deacon Eduardo will follow up with more details.

We are transitioning to an online app for volunteer scheduling, called PlanningCenter. We are in the setup phase and will have more communication before bringing everyone on to the platform.

If you’re visiting for the first time, we’d love if you filled out a visitor card. This allows us to easily follow up with you.

Birthdays and anniversies. Ask for volunteers to pray for those folks.

We’ll begin breakdown in +15 minutes. Breakdown team, please save the curtains and rolling walls for a little later until sound cables are stored away from children.

Other announcements:

The Young Ladies Book Study schedule is linked here.