House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Pepin’s, Wednesday at 6:30PM at the Jordan’s. The Advance (our annual Church retreat) will be held this Friday January 5 through Sunday January 7 at the Ark on Lake Lanier. Please note, this is one weekend earlier than usual! More details to come. The next 18Continue reading “Announcements for 12/31/23”
Category Archives: Announcements
Announcements for 12/24/23
No House House Fellowships this week. Our next Flea Market Ministry is 9AM – 12PM on Saturday December 30. If you have any interest in evangelism or reaching the local community, this is the place to start. The Advance (our annual Church retreat) will be held Friday January 5 through Monday January 8 at theContinue reading “Announcements for 12/24/23”
Announcements for 12/17/23
House Fellowships this week: Tuesday at the Pepin’s, 6:30PM, Wednesday at the Jordan’s, 6:30PM. Our next Flea Market Ministry is 9AM – 12PM on Saturday December 30. If you have any interest in evangelism or reaching the local community, this is the place to start. The Advance (our annual Church retreat) will be held FridayContinue reading “Announcements for 12/17/23”
Announcements for 12/10/23
Announcements are due to Zach each Friday at Noon for the following Sunday.
Announcements for 12/3/23
Announcements for 11/26/23
Announcements for a given Sunday are due to Zach each preceding Friday at Noon.
Announcement for 11/19/23
Announcements for 11/12/2023
Summary of the November 6 OHC Leadership meeting: