Announcements for 11/26/23

  • Next week at 10:15AM, Jess will meet with any of the youth who want to help with kids. She’ll talk about what the roles are for helping with kids in our new space.
  • The next Elder meeting is December 2, and the next Deacon meeting will be before Christmas. Send in thoughts, requests or notes! Send to Zach to forward if you’re unsure who they go to.
  • Events
    • Youth Ladies, tonight at 5PM at the Armstrong house.
    • Youth Event for 4th Grade and up, Saturday December 2 from 12:30PM – 2:30PM at the YWCO Gym.
      • Simultaneously, we’ll upgrade the Mothership.
    • Jonathan and Sarah’s wedding shower that evening, December 2, demonstrating that their marriage will be more important than Georgia football.

Announcements for a given Sunday are due to Zach each preceding Friday at Noon.